Spain Vs France Eu4
Keep one good alliance - Austria perhaps - to keep Spain or remnant France at bay as being crushed at this stage can ruin everything. Now for example imagine a Norway identical except no oil and no England or France or Spain or Netherlands to funnel wealth to Europe. My Tall Colonial France Run Eu4 The Act of Supremacy had given clerical control to the monarch but the people of England were. Spain vs france eu4 . Material conditions or bigbrained rational enlightment. If you can create client states even better. In 1554 the Catholic Queen Mary married Felipe of Spain a union that opened great possibilities for both England and Spain. Dont worry about diplo slots release everything but dont cancel vassalisation. Gaeldom Irish minors Flanders and Holland should. Felipe was granted the title of King of England by Parliament but was not allowed to govern the country. When England is ruined then release all vassals that dont share cores with Wales. How rich is it then t...